Friday, September 17, 2010

Vertical Hydroponic system Vertical Hydroponic Grow System Toronto

Vertical Hydroponic Grow System Toronto
Hey folks, I just finished building a new model of Vertical Hydroponic system. It is more compact than all of my other build ups. I think it is also one of the most successful vertical hydroponic systems I built thus far.
Here is a few photos of it and a video.
If you have any questions on how to build one yourself, I will be happy to give you more detail on the build up.
This grwo system is designed for one grow light. 400 watt hps or 600 HPS grow light will work
well in this system.

Vertical Hydroponic Grow System Toronto

I also think a coolube will be good to use in it to keep plants cool. As soon as I get my hands on one
I will fit it in the system and will post an update.

1 comment:

GreenVertical said...

Forgot to mention that if you like what you see, I can build one for you for $450.
email me at